Understanding inequalities is inseparable from knowledge about how and why wealth is generated and concentrated. Inequalities are understandable as a result of concatenated processes of dispossession and oligarchic accumulation of wealth over time. The history, present and probable future of tax systems and, from a broader perspective, of regulatory policies on wealth, can no longer be understood from technical categories. This Platform for Dialogue proposes an interdisciplinary approach that encompasses issues of historical institutions and paths, power constellations, tax cultures, social resistances to wealth, and discourses on tax and fiscal justice.
The call is aimed at applicants from the Social Sciences and Humanities who can contribute to the topics exposed both in empirical and theoretical and methodological terms. It is open until December 20, 2020.
More informations: http://calas.lat/en/convocatorias/platform-dialogue-%E2%80%9Cde-regulation-wealth-latin-america-new-approach-times-pandemic%E2%80%9D